Crisis of Europe / Crisis of Theory

Our Crisis of Europe / Crisis of Theory workshop went very well.It was convened by the BSA Theory Study Group in collaboration with the Social Theory Centre, University of Warwick. It happened on 19th May 2012.

Scholars, artists, activists from the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden made up the workshop group. We talked about the creeping molecular fascism – sanctioned by state ignorance and even connivance – across Europe. We talked about the inattentiveness  – sometimes erasure – of racism as a core dimension of the current European/financial crisis. And we talked about the ease by which this dimension disappears in scholarly inquiry even when it is argued for logically and consistently. We are hoping to reconvene the group on a larger scale next year. We want to figure out how we can channel the critical energy between academics, artists and activists to resist molecular fascism in the European project.

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